Teacher Tips!

Teach 123 is having a great linky party asking everyone to give a few teacher tips for new teachers. Being a first year teacher can be stressful. I truly believe teaching is a calling. It takes a special kind of person to teach others and have the patience and energy to do it. Check out my teaching tips and then go visit Teach 123 to see what advice fellow teachers have to say!


  1. Tip #3 is soooo important. Every day my students leave my room I hug each one and tell them I love them. You just never know!

    Linked up from

  2. I love #3. I think relationship is key to so much when it comes to being a teacher.

    Thanks for joining my Teaching Tips Linky Party. I made a Pinterest Board called Teaching Tips and added your tips. You can check it out here: http://pinterest.com/teach123school/teaching-tips/


  3. Great tips. My kiddos love it when I come to one of their games.


  4. I agree with Tip 3. My blog is all about the fact that before you reach their heads you have to touch their hearts!

    I am a new follower and found you through the linky party. I would love for you to visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

  5. You sound like an awesome teacher, Amanda. I'm a newbie blogger who found your site on TpT. I would love for you to visit me to teach this old dog how to make her blog better.
    In the meantime, I am giving you the One Lovely Blog Award because your blog is, well, lovely!
    You can read about it on my site.


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