I Can Board... Pinterest inspired Post 2

Hey guys! This is the second post of my pinterest inspired classroom posts! I hope you enjoy!  Last year I created an I Can Board that I really liked. However over the summer we found out that we would no longer be departmentalizing and so I needed to reconfigure some of my boards. Here is the link to last years board. Click Here!

This is the new board I went with. I didn't change much except now I have 4 picture frames instead of 2, I changed the paper in the picture frame, and I gave the picture the illusion that they were being hung by the string. (The string is really just decoration, it was hung using command strips.)

The red background is fabric from Hobby Lobby. The teal and brown board I got from a local teacher supply store. The picture frames are from the Dollar Tree. The I Can Banner was adapted from a School Girl Style Banner that I edited.

I was really pleased with my results! Do you have an I Can board in your room? I'd love for you to leave pictures in the comments!

Class Jobs Board - Pinterest Inspired Post 1

Hey guys! Over the next couple posts I want to share with you my pinterest inspired classroom ideas! Today, I want to show you my new class jobs board. This year I am changing from departmentalized 5th grade math to self contained. I had to change my classroom from being solely math centered to something more generalized. Our county really encourages us to use class jobs to help our students to become better leaders so I needed a class jobs board. I also have very limited/small bulletin board space!

I was inspired by this post: Clutter Free Classroom 

So here is my version of a Class Jobs Board...

I used burlap for my back ground, library pockets, popsicle sticks for the student names, and the jobs banner is edited from schoolgirlstyle.com.

I don't have many classroom jobs, but the ones I have make my classroom run more efficiently!
These are my jobs
- Car Hop: Goes to my car when I forget something.. or need something heavy carried in :-)
- Paper Filer: Files papers of student work
-Copy Cat: Helps make my copies
- Water Wizard: Re-fills my water cup
-Point Police: Carries the behavior binder to specials & cafeteria
-Lunch Lady: Takes the lunch count
-Computers: Turns on and off the computers
-Merry Maids: helps make sure room is clean at the end of the day
-Pencil Pro: sharpens class pencils
-Librarian: Keeps class library neat and choose class books from the library

I'd love to see what your class jobs board looks like! Leave a picture in the comments!

Back to School: Putting Up Supplies

Hey guys!! Today, I want to share with you one of the new things I tried this year for back to school. In years past, students came for a full day the first day of school. This allowed me plenty of time during the day to take up each child's supplies individually. However, this year we started school with a "Meet the Teacher Day/Drop Off School Supplies Day" which was an abbreviated day.

Some of the obstacles I faced in trying to decide what to do were... 1) We are departmentalized in 5th grade and we were going to switch on the 1st full day. This left me very little time to put supplies away on the 1st day. 2) We have tables and share schools supplies, so I needed to store most of the supplies while leaving a few out for use.

I decided that I wanted all the supplies put up on the 1/2 day, so that on the 1st full day we were ready to begin.  However, with it being a drop in day, I didn't want to repeat the directions on how to put up the supplies 30 different times for every child. I decided to set up boxes around the room that students would put their supplies in. I also put the instructions on the board, so that all I needed to do after meeting the parent and student is direct them to the directions on the board.

Here are the boxes I set up. I used the boxes that my workbooks came in instead of spending money on cute boxes. After the Meet the Teacher Day was over, I stored the supplies where they belonged and recycled the boxes. I did use a few baskets that I already had for smaller supplies like glue and pencil erasers.

                                             These are the instructions I had on the board.

Over all I felt that this approach was very successful. It was super easy to put all the supplies in the correct storage area after the Meet the Teacher Day. It allowed me to have all the supplies ready for the 1st full day, without taking time out of that day!  I did find that some parents and students didn't follow the directions and I still needed to explain the process to them. I've thought about next year, on top of having the directions on the board, giving them a check list of things to do. That way they have a copy in their hand.

Have you used something similar for putting supplies away? OR Have another way completely? Leaving a comment, I'd love to hear your ideas!!

A 5th Grade Update!

Hey guys! So I have made it almost three full weeks of 5th grade! I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed it! I'm so excited to be focusing only on math, my favorite subject, and getting to know my students. We hit the ground running by learning procedures and expectations while also working on our fluency multiplication standard! We did a Kahoot.it quiz to review expectation and procedures! --- The kids LOVED this and are BEGGING me to do it again! I can't wait to find something else to use it for---

We have also started into our new math series that will help us prepare for the new state test TNReady. We are currently working on multiplying and dividing with powers of 10! Here is my first Anchor Chart for the year! --- Actually it's my first anchor chart ever!!--- 

I hope to make some new 5th grade products for my teachers pay teachers store once I have a little free time!!

Preptoon.com Giveaway!

Last week I did a review of preptoon.com. Click here to read the review!  This week we are giving away 2- 1 year subscriptions to preptoon, which includes 1 teacher license and 20 student licenses worth $99!!!! AWESOME!! Check out the giveaway below! Giveaway will run until Sunday, August 16 at midnight EST and winner will be chosen Monday, August 17th! Good luck!!!

Updates and I Can Bulletin Board

 Hey guys! So life has been CRAZY!!! After 6 years in 4th grade I found out this summer that I was moving to 5th grade math. I am very excited about this new adventure, but it has thrown me for a bit of a loop. I had to learn new curriculum and move classrooms, in what felt like a very short amount of time! I just finished my room and will do a blog "show and tell" of my new accommodations. Here is a preview...

Since I had to move classrooms, it has given me an opportunity to try some things I haven't had a chance to yet. For example, I have wanted to make an I Can Bulletin Board for my I Can statements and standards for 2 years. I found a super cute one on pinterest from 3rd Grade Pad that I loved and had to try it! I only teach math, so I just used a small bulletin board, but here is how it turned out!

I have also spent some time this summer updating some of my teachers pay teachers products. Here are the ones I've had a chance to work on...
    Area War

Comparing Fractions War

 Decimal War (Comparing Decimals)

Our first day of school is Friday!  This is going to be a fun new adventure and I can't wait to share some ideas! 

Review of Preptoon

Hey guys! Today, I have the opportunity to review a new math program called Preptoon! I am very excited to share this website with you! Next week, we will be doing a giveaway for 1 FREE year subscription to Preptoon, so make sure you come back to enter! Let's get started...

Preptoon is an online math resource for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. The website uses engaging videos to help students better understand math concepts. Below you will find some of the features that I really enjoyed!

  • Everything is very organized. You can easily find a video that goes with what you are teaching. You can search by grade and by topic, for example, 5th grade Measurement. You can even search for a specific standard under the Common Core Standards tab. Being organized is highly important to me! I don't want to spend a ton of time trying to find one video to use with my students. Preptoon quickly allows me to find a video that is relevant to what I am currently teaching. 
 In this picture you can see tabs at the top, which allows for easy searching. 

This is a video I found after searching 5th grade measurement. I love that the standard is clear! 

  • The videos are animated and I think my students would enjoy them. My only complaint is I wish the narrator had a little more inflection in her voice. This is very nit picky coming from an overly animated reader! (I tend to have 20 different voices and all kinds of hand motions while reading.) The videos are based on real life situations. This is great for helping students to understand how they will use math in the real world!
Here is the beginning of a video, you can see the standard is easily visible again!  

  • The video pauses every so often to ask questions. Sometimes these questions will be multiple choice and sometimes they will be fill in the blank. It then gives students instant feedback as to what the correct answer is!  I love that it asks both kinds of questions and I love that it gives instant feedback! I think feedback is vital to students making and correcting mistakes!
Here is an example of a question the video's would ask. 

  • After a video is completed they can be asked additional questions to help make the math concept more concrete in their mind! 

Over all I was highly pleased with the program. You could use this whole class and discuss the questions together, or you can create individual student accounts and have them do the videos independently. If you create student accounts you can see student responses to questions! This program is interactive with students, engaging to watch, and is highly aligned to common core standards. I can't wait to use this in my classroom this year! 

For more information you can watch this quick 2 minute video! 

I hope you have enjoyed! Don't forget to check back next week because we will be giving away 1 free year membership to Preptoon!

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