First Newsletter!

Hey guys I finally sent out my first newsletter! AND of course I made a big boo boo! It's been one of those weeks is all I can say. The original link to the freebie was not correct so I fixed it and sent the newsletter again. If you didn't get a chance to sign up for the newsletter you can view it here! My plan is to send the newsletter out the last friday of every month! Hopefully next time I won't get the link wrong! I hope you enjoy!


Hey guys my very first newsletter is going out tomorrow! Don't forget to sign up to get your freebie! You can sign up using the box on the left side of the page.  I hope your week has been fantastic!

How to Add a Video to a Flipchart

Hey guys I've branched out and made another video! This one talks about how to add a video into a flipchart on ActivInspire.

I hope you enjoy!

Using Youtube in the Classroom

Okay guys my first attempt at a video! Check it out!

If your school system has blocked youtube like my school system has, but you still want to utalize youtube videos in your classroom then watch this video to find out how to do it!

I hope you enjoy!

Earth Day!

Earth Day is quickly approaching. I know if you're like me and your end of year testing is still coming up, Earth Day may be pretty far from the forefront of your mind! However, I also try to take a quick opportunity to explain to the students what Earth Day is about. I have to give props to my school because we are pretty Earth conscious. Each classroom has a place for the students to recycle paper. I usually like to show a quick video. Here are a couple I found on youtube that you might like!                            

Here is a BrainPop Site that has several videos for free about the Earth. Click Here for Brain Pop.

This year I also made these bookmarks for my students for Earth Day! They are free to download.       Get the Earth Day Bookmarks here! 

What are some things you will be doing for Earth Day in your classroom? 

Relating Fraction to Decimals

With TCAP drawing near I have been reviewing some key concepts with my students to make sure that they will be successful on this important test. (TCAP is Tennessee's end of year standardized test.) One of the things I really wanted to review with my students was fractions and decimals. In 4th grade the students need to know how to convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. After reviewing concepts I love for the students to play some type of game with partners to help reinforce what was just reviewed or taught. Here is the matching game that my students played.
You can get this cute game here. It is $1.50 in my TPT store. 

I also ask my students to have 3 fraction to decimal conversions memorized: 1/4 = 0.25, 1/2 = 0.50, and 3/4 = 0.75. When teaching these I tell my students to think of these decimals like money. There are 4 quarters in a dollar. If I have 1 of the 4 quarters how much money do I have? 25 cents... etc. To also help them memorize it I have it hanging in the bathroom over the sink. (It gives them some reading material.) Lastly, I  made these super cute bookmarks for them to use. The book marks are free and you can get them here.

I hope you enjoy! 

Show Off Your Classroom Linky Party!

Ms. Fultz from is having a great linky party where we are showing off our classrooms! I couldn't help but be excited to share mine with you as well! Check out the link to see other classrooms!

Almost everything in my classroom is themed with polka dots including desk name tags, curtains, posters, alphabet... the list goes on... I love polka dots ;-)

Doing Oreo Moon Phases. 

Computers! I now have a new student lap top also! 


A.R. bulletin board.

This is what I organize my papers in. 

This is what I organize student papers in. 

Mason Jars I use to keep sharpened pencils and student red pens. 

Painting I painted with my new name! 

Sunburst pencil mirror I made. 

Sponge activities for Math & Science. 

I hope you enjoyed! 

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